What can you do to save power at home?

There is a lot to learn about renewable and non-renewable sources of energy and all of us have probably done so already in school. Save power now! Most of us, however, have never paid close attention to the fast consumption of non-renewable energy until recently when energy costs hit us hard and we are faced with a severe energy crisis.


What can you do to save power at home? Energy Ball V200 Power Curve mph e1625524944183

We certainly can wait until the governments have sorted out the challenges, but we may be more proactive and start doing something ourselves. Right here at home!

So how can we save power at home?

Computer: Most of us don’t switch off our monitors even after shutting down our machines.

So let’s keep the monitor and computer switched off when we’re not using it. This will help save more power for the world.

Light bulbs: You must have seen compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs being advertised all the time. You must have even used them at times. As a power-saving measure, start using the CFL light bulbs as much as you can. If you are thinking they are more expensive than regular bulbs, the benefits of the CFL bulbs will prove much more cost-effective in the long turn by the amount of power they will save.

Air Conditioner: If you’re using air conditioning then set the temperature at the minimum or maximum which is best you are comfortable with, depending on the season. Try not to set it at too high or too low temperatures. Setting the air conditioner at comfortable but reasonable temperatures helps save a lot of energy.

Washing Machines: Do you use your washing machine as often as you want? Do you use your washing machine even when there are not enough clothes to wash? It helps to minimize the number of washes by washing a full load of clothes every time. Also, consider washing at a lower temperature. Many powders or liquids now allow you to reduce the heat and therefore save energy.

Television: Take off the power plug of your television set when not using it. This may not sound a big deal but this tiny step will help save power.

Geysers: Keep the geyser thermostat at the minimum heat. You do not need to heat the water at a very high temperature or for too long.

Refrigerator: Bring hot food to room temperatures before putting it in the refrigerator. You can also save power by taking cold or frozen food out of the refrigerator much before mealtime, thereby saving power in heating it. And keep the doors shut!

Car: For an air-conditioner-equipped car, pull up the windows of your car before switching on the air-conditioner.


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