AWEA presents US as #1 In Wind Power

According to the AWEA’s (The American Wind Energy Association) released annual report for the year ending 2008, the US maintained their #1 positions in several categories with the largest amount of installed wind power capacity even while other leaders emerged in new categories. Twenty four states saw new wind turbine and component manufacturing facilities opened.

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The US is now the country with the largest amount of installed wind power capacity, with an increase of 8,500 megawatts of new wind power overtaking Germany which was the previous leader. At the end of 2008, the US had a total installed capacity of 25,300 megawatts. The additional 8,500 megawatts installed represented nearly a 50% increase for the year.

While Minnesota and Iowa are both generating just over 7% of their electricity from wind, Texas is still the state with the most wind capacity and Indiana is the state with the fastest growth in the wind on a percent age basis.

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General Electric GE remains as the No.1 wind turbine maker while NextEra Energy Resources continuous to lead in wind farm ownership.

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The current growth in wind Power has accelerated investment in manufacturing wind turbine and turbine component manufacturers announced. More than 55 facilities in 2008 alone were either added or expanded, spanning across 24 states from Alabama to Wisconsin.

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