BMW Wind Power To build Twin Towers For Factories

BMW uses a vehicle powered by wind in a TV advert and considers Wind Power for their factories

BMW has started to investigate the possibility of using the wind to help generate power for its plant in Spartanburg, South Carolina and has partnered with Gold Ring Power, LLC.

A detailed analysis of wind patterns near the site will be conducted shortly. In use will be a fifty-foot twin tower with anemometers placed on top that will collect data on wind speed and direction around the site. Once the data has been collected, BMW will compile a report that will let the company know if there’s sufficient wind to generate efficient power to make a justifiable impact on its energy bills.

It looks that BMW is getting on the green eco-bandwagon in a big way as it also features a vehicle powered by wind in one of its recent TV adverts. The vehicle was designed and constructed by Kinetic Sculptor Theo Jansen. The punch line of the advert spoken by the sculptor himself is: “The worlds between arts and engineering exists only between in our minds” – which is then followed by a banner displaying “And few have the imagination to see beyond them” A very clever advert indeed and if BMW is serious about their “green” engagement, then BMW can be one of the forerunners of a worldwide change towards a switch to wind-powered supported manufacturing plants. It only needs one corporate company to make a start and many will follow suit.

However, BMW is not jumping in with both feet and at the moment they are just conducting a feasibility study on using wind energy at their site in Spartanburg. If the study concludes that it would be a sound return on investment, then BMW will add wind to the list of alternative energy resources used to power the facility.

Facilities Manager Duncan Seaman at the Spartanburg site explains that “Worldwide, wind power is growing at an astonishing rate of about 30% annually and is widely used in several major European countries. This assessment is an ongoing commitment by BMW to investigate renewable energy options.”

So, good move by BMW. Let’s see if other factories follow suit.

BMW Wind Power To build Twin Towers For Factories bmw

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