UK Wind Turbines to Quadruple – Britain’s New Renewable Energy Strategy

It is likely that under the UK Government’s Renewable Energy Strategy Plan,  3,000 wind turbines will be installed offshore the UK’s coastline.

It is said that the number of wind turbines is set to quadruple over the next decade under government plans to force through wind farm planning applications.

A Renewable Energy Strategy with wind power as the main focus is at the minister’s heart. which is due to be released on Wednesday, 15th July 2009. It will outline Britain’s target how to meet it is of a 34 percent cut in CO2 emissions by 2020.

An additional 4,000 additional onshore turbines by 2020 is likely to be included in the Government’s plans. Many may be built at beauty spots and on high ground which would make them visible across miles of open countryside.

Under the proposed plan, 3,000 turbines would be installed at sea — some of them visible from the coast, while others could be up to 100 miles offshore. A multitude of measures is considered by ministers to push wind farm planning applications through more quickly.

UK Wind Turbines to Quadruple – Britain’s New Renewable Energy Strategy wind turbine at sea3

93 applications were submitted for onshore wind farms in the past three years and only 35 were approved by local authorities. Another 14 were only passed after an appeal and nearly half of the original applications failed.

The British Government is already putting pressure on councils to approve wind farms and provide guidance which states that applicants should expect “expeditious and sympathetic” treatment.

Just like the new US government, under Barack Obama’s lead, British Ministers will try to get support by claiming that 250,000 “green” British jobs could be created as Britain increases renewable energy from 2 percent to 15 percent by 2020.

However, Britain’s only wind turbine factory, owned by Vestas, the world’s largest turbine manufacturer based in Newport on the Isle of Wight, is due to close this month with the loss of 600 jobs. Any new turbines are likely to be made abroad.

UK Wind Turbines to Quadruple – Britain’s New Renewable Energy Strategy wind turbine factory3

Vestas Factory to be closed July 2009

The trade union Unison said: “It is criminal to actually have the only wind turbine factory close. The Government should be intervening now.”

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