Cheaper Electricity Through Wind Power says EWEA Report

A study comissioned by the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) has concluded that the increased usage of wind power is to reduce wholesale slot prices.

The report estimates that wind energy can reduce prices by between €3 and €23 (£2.60 and £19.90) per megawatt hour.  The report states that increased penetration of wind power reduces wholesale spot prices. For a full copy of the Wind Energy and Electricity Prices Report click here.

Cheaper Electricity Through Wind Power says EWEA Report ewea wind report11

Christian Kjaer, chief executive of EWEA, urged consumers to include more wind power in their electricity mix if they want cheap energy.

He said: “It has already been well-established that wind reduces CO2 emissions. But now we have stronger evidence than ever before that wind power also reduces electricity prices for consumers.”

Earlier this week, a village in Oxfordshire won the title of Best UK Village in the Independent’s Green Awards, after completing a host of energy efficiency measures to help reduce their annual bills.

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