Obama On Course To Decrease Dependance On Imported Oil

President Barack Obama says shifting the U.S. away from imported oil and toward cleaner forms of energy will add momentum to a trend that has led to 1.8 million new jobs in the past 13 months. He wants to bring down the price of gasoline through decreasing dependence on oil he said in his weekly radio address.

Noting that the U.S. doesn’t have enough oil reserves to meet its needs, he set a goal of reducing imports by one-third by 2025 and increasing the use of alternative energy sources. “We’re going to use cleaner sources of energy that don’t imperil our climate. And we’re going to spark new products and businesses all over the country by tapping America’s greatest renewable resource: our ingenuity”, Obama said.

Obama On Course To Decrease Dependance On Imported Oil obama with wind turbine 1

He has been continuously speaking on this subject and this address was Obama’s third in recent days.  This week he will travel to the Philadelphia area to visit an arm of the Spanish company Gamesa, maker of giant turbines that generate electricity from wind.

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