Intel – The Worlds Greenest Company

The hi-tech company Intel has just been ranked number one by among “America’s Top 10 Greenest Companies.”

Forbes cites the company’s continued shift to renewable energy sources—such as solar and wind—Forbes credits Intel with significantly increasing their use of green kilowatt power in just the last year.

“Intel went from 1.4 billion to 2.5 billion kilowatt hours. That’s remarkable,” wrote Forbes, quoting Blaise Collison, director of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Green Power Partnership.

The Forbes piece also prominently quotes Intel’s Marty Sedler, who is the company’s director of Global Utilities and Infrastructure. “In 2011 we upped the ante and increased our use of green power by about 75%,” says Sedler. “We felt that the renewable energy market needed a jump start.”

Intel is one of only two hi-tech companies to make the Forbes top-10. The other green companies making Forbes list are Kohl’s, Whole Foods, Starbucks, Johnson & Johnson, Staples, HSBC North America, Cisco Wal-Mart and TD Bank.

Congratulations to Intel!

Read the full story at Forbes

Intel   The Worlds Greenest Company intel logo 300x1981

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