INVEST IN GREECE WIND POWER – From the Origins of Democracy to the Future of Wind Power!

Invest In Greece Now!

Greece has attracted a fair bit of negative press over the last months largely due to the effects of the recession and the austerity measures demanded of its beleaguered citizens by its Government and the European Union. However, the birthplace of democracy is also a place of optimism and opportunity. Particularly if you think wind.

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According to the 2012 BP Statistical Energy Survey, Greece had a 2011 installed wind energy capacity of 1626.5 MW, up by a fifth from the previous year, but still very modest compared to some other countries.  Most of Greece’s renewable energy comes from biomass and waste recycling, with a small input from solar power. In line with the European Commission’s Directive on Renewable Energy, Greece aims to get 18% of its energy from renewable sources by 2020. The wind energy potential for Greece is very attractive. Not only does Greece have one of the highest wind resources in Europe, but Government subsidies, high kW per hour tariffs and long contract periods make for a high return of investment for the canny investor who can take advantage of this window of opportunity.

The map of Europe below shows the powerful and bountiful wind power available in Greece:

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The electricity generation market in Greece anticipates bilateral contracts, for two consecutive periods of 20 years, making 40 years in all, between the main Greek electricity supplier/s and individual wind farm owners and partners.

At present, the respective tariffs are 90€/MWh for wind farms installed and connected to the mainland system and 100€/MWh for those installed in isolated islanded systems. Moreover, there is also an annual tariff increase depending on the year inflation.

Vestas Wind Systems A/S (VWS) accounted for 49 percent of wind turbines installed in Greece in 2011, Enercon GmbH for 22 per cent, Siemens AG (SIE) for 12 per cent, Gamesa Corp Technologica SA for 10 percent and Nordex SE (NDX1) for 5 per cent.

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Times of crisis does not always mean high risk for investors but in fact can provide great opportunities for cheap investments with fast and high returns. Due to the recent financial crisis, a number of licenses of “ready for development” wind farm projects are currently being offered for sale in Greece, unsurprisingly, at very attractive prices.  They are shown in the chart below. This is a one-time opportunity for the quick thinking and decisive developer who does not want to wait and start a project from scratch.  These opportunities do not require years of planning and obtaining all the necessary permits and grid supply contracts;  these sites are ready for development with lease agreements, building permits and grid connection agreements already in place. This opportunity will not be on the table for long as licenses for these sites are ‘ready to go’ and already licensed farms are being snapped fast by developers from around the globe while Greece is predictably entering a phase of steady recovery. MWPS can provide local expert advice which ranges from investment and acquisition of these ‘bargain priced’ wind farm licenses to the supply of new and refurbished wind turbines.

Currently available and licensed ‘ready to go’ wind farm projects in Greece are:

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Contact MWPS today on +44 77 888 66 846 or email to: sales(at) for more information!

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