New Wind Farm given Go-Ahead in Wales

A 28 turbine wind farm at Brechfa Forest West in Carmarthenshire, Wales,  has been given the thumbs up by the United Kingdom’s Department of Energy and Climate Change. The Developer is RWE Power and they expect the project to power over 35000 homes and to create/support up to 150 jobs during the construction and commissioning phase.

A DECC spokesman said:

“Onshore wind has an important role to play as part of a balanced energy mix. This development will enhance our energy security, help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create up to 150 construction jobs.”

However, as is to be expected, not everyone welcomed the decision: Steve Dubé, chairman of Grwp Blaengwen which has opposed the development from the outset  said the decision was “devastating”. He claims that local people are on medication from their Doctors because of fear and worry about the development and that farmers are losing sleep and creating a danger when they use farm machinery. He said some people were unable to wear hearing aids when in the vicinity of wind turbines. Mr Dube also said

“Wind power stations will be seen in the not too distant future to be a folly that has done nothing except line the pockets of multinational foreign-based companies.First gold, then silver, copper, lead, iron, slate and coal. Wales has been ripped off down the centuries and the profits exported.”

No mention is made of the fact that the mainland of England has been supporting Wales financially since medieval times. Or that this will lead to cheaper, cleaner energy for Welsh people. Or that great pains will be taken to avoid spoiling the surrounding natural beauty. The opponents claim not to be NIMBYs but have closed their minds to the benefits that this will bring, including jobs for locals.

The DECC found that there was a “compelling” case for the wind farm.

New Wind Farm given Go Ahead in Wales 51.9721111120171 4.20541897030154 national pinned1

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