GE Add-On Booster for its Turbines

The leading energy provider, E.ON, will use GE’s” PowerUp” software program to increase power output by up to 5 per cent. The add-on will boost over 450 turbines. It’s not a mechanical breakthrough but a piece of new software that will give extra oomph to turbine output. The Germany-based energy giant GS plans to install PowerUp at five wind farms.

It is described as a “customized software-enabled platform that increases a wind farm’s output by up to 5 per cent”.  It will be used on  469 GE 1.5-77 wind turbines that are used by E.ON  (via its Climate & Renewables division).

GE Add On Booster for its Turbines GE 1 5mW Slufter West 8 outside nacelle 364px comp

GE claims that the boosted output is the equivalent of building as many as nineteen new turbines of that size.  But first GE has got to prove that Power Up will work and be economically viable for E.ON.  Why? Because the arrangement is an “outcomes-based” deal: In plain English, this means that the companies will measure the impact of PowerUp and GE will get a per centage of the gains the technology brings. If it works, it’s a win-win situation for GR and E.ON.

How does Power Up work? GE describes it thus:

When PowerUp is activated, a GE software program performs a complete before-and-after wind farm power performance analysis, validating the performance improvement. By adjusting performance dials that include speed, torque, pitch, aerodynamics and turbine controls, PowerUp helps maximize the power output of a wind farm.

GE Add On Booster for its Turbines TRenholm1

Steve Trenholm, the Chairman of E.ON North America said:

“The outcomes-based approach aligns well with our goals of providing cleaner, better energy at a more affordable price. Investment in wind energy has led to technological advancements like PowerUp that continue to make renewables more and more competitive with traditional forms of energy.”

This new software does not mean GR have given up on new turbines. They are currently developing new, bigger and smarter turbines for new wind farms, such as the 2.5-120 turbine announced earlier this year. But with 12,000 1.5-77 turbines installed around the world,  the company clearly sees possibilities in helping operators boost the output of those machines., benefitting both operators and GE.

Will other turbine companies follow this lead and look for software or other adjustments to extend the life of their turbines and make them more efficient?

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