Compensation for Bird Deaths: The Hypocrisy

In the first case of its kind, a large energy company has pleaded guilty to killing birds at its large wind turbine farms in Wyoming and has agreed to pay $1 million as a penalty. The fossil fuel lobby are laughing all the way to the bank. Other law-suites are pending for deaths of birds, bats and even the disruption of mating patterns of bears, deer and (don’t laugh) humans.

Pinch yourself, you are not dreaming. Has the world gone mad? How many species have been brought to the edge of and over into, extinction because of our burning of fossil fuels, our disregard for the environment and the burning desire for energy and to put money in the banks of greedy old-school energy companies?

Compare and contrast the number of bats and eagles that may have perished (and frustrated frisky bears)  with the deaths at Fukushima, Chernobyl and the number of species that have winked out of existence due to our pollution, clearing of the rain forests and other atrocities in the last 100 years. Who is being fined for them?

Compensation for Bird Deaths: The Hypocrisy dodo 300x2811

Don’tg get me wrong. I love wild-life, hey, I even have cats, budgerigars and kids of my own! But this is lawyering gone mad. Sue anything and everything if you can to keep our company in business- and the fossil fuel lobby still has top dollar!

Stop and think. For the price of that fine you could put synthetic meshing around each turbine that would stop birds bats and horny bears from getting too close to the blades. That would not stop the wind blowing, or the renewable energy from being generated.  Or are the judges in the pockets of the fossil fuel lobby?

Compensation for Bird Deaths: The Hypocrisy fukushima radiation nuclear fa 300x1661

People should just take a step back and look at the big picture. Climate change? Carbon posioning? Global temperature rise? Ice Cap Melting? A few bats and eagles killed that can be prevented by a simple physical net/mesh measure? There is no argument really. Yet, it seems part of our world still lives back in the days when we killed off the Dodo- and one day even oursleves-  unless we get to grips with this short-termism love of sueing the promising green future by the old guard carbon-loving dollar-hungry past.

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