Offshore Wind Europe Conference 2018

New Energy Update – Newsletter Offshore Wind Europe Conference 2018 | New Energy Update – will unite at Offshore Wind Europe in November 2018 – Update

Newsletter – Offshore Wind Europe Conference 2018
Offshore Wind Europe Conference 2018, by Jon Harman, Project Director | New Energy Update

2018 has been a crucial year for Offshore Wind – we’ve seen discussions evolve on development mechanisms (zero subsidies, corporate PPAs etc.), the rise of next-generation floating technology, new means to manage offshore O&M and significant leaps towards the commercialization of floating offshore wind.

That’s why every major developer, operator and stakeholder including BEIS, EDF Renouvelables, EDP Renewables, EnBW, Innogy, Vattenfall, Shell New Energies, Eneco, Parkwind, Gemini Wind Park, Enbridge, Equinor, Engie, Scottish Power Renewables, Iberdrola, US Wind, GE, Siemens, Senvion, & more, will unite at Offshore Wind Europe this November on 27th-28th to provide you with the latest offshore wind trends and project opportunities.

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Get the Offshore Wind Europe and Floating Offshore Wind 2018 brochure here to build commercial ties with every major offshore wind developer, operators, manufacturer, contractor, supplier and more

Offshore Wind Europe Conference 2018 Offshore Wind Europe 2018

With 350+ attendees including Developers, Project Owners and Floating Wind companies you can expect to walk away knowing how to:

  • The transition from CFDs to PPAs and bid at Zero Subsidy
  • Plan and develop with next-generation 10MW+ turbines
  • Flourish in global markets – from a development and supply chain perspective
  • Perfect your O&M and asset performance
  • Accomplish commercial-scale floating offshore wind projects

Get the Offshore Wind Europe and Floating Offshore Wind 2018 brochure here to build commercial ties with every major offshore wind developer, operators, manufacturer, contractor, supplier and more
5 benefits of attending Offshore Wind Europe

  • Developer focus: Zero Subsidy, Investing at Grid Parity, Scaling Up & Supply Chain discussions will give you a clear strategy for developing and construction your next offshore wind farm
  • Operator focus: Cost reduction approaches on O&M Solutions – Blades, Foundations, Cables – as well as detailed insight data and automation will give you the tools to cost-effectively operate legacy assets
  • Floating Offshore Wind focus: Hear approaches to drive costs down and fine tune solutions for floating wind deployment
  • Offshore Wind Leaders Private Dinner: c-suite and senior executives can enjoy the fruitful exchange of plans and ideas over a gourmet 3-course meal on the 26th November (by invitation only)

Get the Offshore Wind Europe and Floating Offshore Wind 2018 brochure here to build commercial ties with every major offshore wind developer, operators, manufacturer, contractor, supplier and more

In addition, to the Offshore Wind Europe Conference, Romo Wind, Renewable Energy Limited, Lloyds Register, Siemens PLM, Ceteal, Fotech Solutions Ltd, Automasjon og Data AS, and Manor Renewables join as sponsors and exhibitors, choosing Offshore Wind Europe as the place to launch the brand new products and services.

New Energy Update is part of FCBI Energy Ltd, London, UK.

© 2016 FCBI Energy Ltd.

Offshore Wind Europe Conference 2018 fcbi energy

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